Rye – January – What’s On?

Happy new year! I hope you had a lovely restful festive period and I hope 2024 is full of amazing experiences with the people you love.

Since moving my studio to Rye, and my recent house move nearby, I’ve absolutely loved getting to know the local area more intimately, the community is teeming with inspired and inspiring people and places that I’ve gotten to know throughout my time here.

Each month, I’ll be collating the cultural, curated, and creative events in Rye that speak to me. Consuming art in all its forms helps stretch our creative muscles in many different ways. For me, it’s key to seek out inspiration for future jewellery collections, and supporting other creative individuals in the meantime is the perfect recipe for time spent in this corner of the world.


Life Drawing: Based in the Rye Creative Centre (RCC), I’m always keen to see and support what my fellow studio holders are doing. Nick Archer, an incredible artist, is running both tutored and untutored life drawing classes at the Centre every Wednesday (excluding 15th December). You can either book a course of classes, or single sessions, more information can be found online here.

Introduction to Natural Dyeing: Saturday 20th January 10-4pm. Led by my RCC neighbour, the extremely talented Tara Macdonald will introduce you to the fundamentals of natural dyeing using ancient and fascinating techniques. She creates amazing pieces from her stunning fabrics, you’re in great hands as she guides you through the full-day workshop.

You will create lots of samples of different fabrics and yarn as well as a silk or cotton scarf, for you to take home.

Nature Walks: I’ve always found inspiration in nature, in fact, my Anvil collection was inspired by the rolling hills of the South Downs. Every Wednesday there will be a guided walk at Rye Harbour, which is not only great for fulfilling your health-related new year’s resolutions, but also for creative inspiration as you explore the striking landscape of this beautiful part of the world.

Lutyens, The Lloyds and the Legacy: Thursday 16 January at 10am.
There’s something so magical about Great Dixter, the house and its gardens are full of so many nooks and crannies to explore. In January, there’s an opportunity to see the Lutyens wing of the House, led by a Senior Guide. We can draw so much inspiration from immersing ourselves in history, and this is a lovely chance to see something really special. Get your tickets here.

Into February 2024

Another one of my amazing neighbours is running a clay workshop on the 2nd February, teaching you to build a Parian porcelain tealight holder, using native plants from the garden to cast into your creation. Details of the event are available here.

Sewing workshop: Merchant and Mills is one of my absolute favourite places in Rye. It’s an Aladdin’s cave, a treasure trove for any textiles lover. I could (and often do) spend a whole afternoon perusing their stock. They also run sewing retreats, both residential and not, and details on these can be found online here. Their next available workshop is on the 24th February, making a utility bag, and I’m extremely tempted!

These are just a few of the wonderful events happening around Rye that are on my radar, there are so many other things going on, plenty of live music, shows, and markets to take advantage of. It truly is such a buzzing town full of inspiration and it makes me feel so happy to be able to share in the enjoyment.

I’ll be back next month for another instalment of my personal guide to what’s on in Rye from a designer’s perspective with a penchant for the arts.


Rye – February – What’s On?